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Off topic: Low Level Laser Therapy works - makes Nitric Oxide and ATP

Some LLLT mechanism diagrams


Biostimulation / Photobiomodulation / LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy)


The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy - Feb 2012

Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 February ; 40(2): 516-533. doi:10.1007/sl0439-011-0454-7.
Hoon Chung1’2, Tianhong Dai1’2, Sulbha K. Sharma1, Ying-Ying Huang1’2’3, James D.
Carroll4, and Michael R. Hamblin1,2,5
1 Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
2 Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
3 Aesthetic and Plastic Center of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, People’s Republic of China
4 Thor Photomedicine Ltd, 18A East Street, Chesham HP5 1HQ, UK
5 Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA


I designed and built an LLLT system for my Wife's Lymphodemia
It worked extremely well
Found it also works on Knee Osteoarthritis and many other health problems
Helped me with reducing the pain of Wisdom Tooth removal
It puts out less than 1/100 of the wattage needed to be able to sense a temperature difference.
But, it is definitely sensed by cells which need an energy boost - slight burning sensation 10-30 minutes later

LLLT Mechanisms - also by Hamblim - date unknown

http://photobiology.info/Hamblin.htmlMECHANISMS OF LOW LEVEL LIGHT THERAPY

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LLLT helps autism - 2018

  • Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder- 2018 doi: 10.1007/5584_2018_234.
    "The study found that low-level laser therapy could be an effective tool for reducing irritability and other symptoms and behaviors associated with the autistic spectrum disorder in children and adolescents, with positive changes maintained and augmented over time."

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Soon after the discovery of lasers in the 1960s it was realized that laser therapy had the potential to improve wound healing and reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. In recent years the field sometimes known as photobiomodulation has broadened to include light-emitting diodes and other light sources, and the range of wavelengths used now includes many in the red and near infrared. The term “low level laser therapy” or LLLT has become widely recognized and implies the existence of the biphasic dose response or the Arndt-Schulz curve. This review will cover the mechanisms of action of LLLT at a cellular and at a tissular level and will summarize the various light sources and principles of dosimetry that are employed in clinical practice. The range of diseases, injuries, and conditions that can be benefited by LLLT will be summarized with an emphasis on those that have reported randomized controlled clinical trials. Serious life-threatening diseases such as stroke, heart attack, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury may soon be amenable to LLLT therapy.

45 LLLT benefits March 2019

45 LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy) & Photobiomodulation Benefits + Devices Self-Hacked

The following is just the Table of Contents, online has hyperlinks to details, how to use, etc.

  1. In general, lowering inflammation where ever applied (R, R2). Specifically, by reducing levels of PGE(2), Cox 2, IL-1b, TNF, neutrophil cell influx and oxidative stress (R)
  2. Wound healing/Tissue growth and repair (R)
  3. Depression (R)
  4. Anxiety (R)
  5. Pain relief in various syndromes (R, R2, R3)
  6. Arthritis (R, R2)
  7. Back pain (R), neck pain (R)
  8. Autoimmune conditions like thyroiditis (R) and others
  9. Traumatic brain injuries (R), strokes (R) and other brain injuries (R)
  10. Tooth repair (R, R2), pain from orthodontics (R)
  11. Hair growth and male pattern baldness (R) – different wavelength and power are required.
  12. Acne (R, R2)
  13. Heart attack – hastens healing of the damage (R, R2)
  14. Fractures (R) – seemingly not sprains, though (R)
  15. Skin conditions like psoriasis and others (R)
  16. Fibromyalgia (R)
  17. Improving bone density (R. R2)
  18. Increasing testosterone (R)
  19. Enhancing liver regeneration (R) and protection (R)
  20. Allergic rhinitis (R)
  21. Neuropathy (R)
  22. Candida infection (R, R2, R3)
  23. Vision disorder like macular degeneration (R) and retinitis pigmentosa (R)
  24. Hearing problems such as tinnitus (R) – in the short term or when combined with rTMS (R)
  25. Muscle tissue for performance, fatigue, and repair (R, R2)
  26. Spinal cord injury (R)
  27. Parkinson’s (R)
  28. Alzheimer’s (R, R2)
  29. Injuries in connective tissue/joints (R), Achilles tendon (R), Elbow tendinopathy (R)
  30. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (R)
  31. Burns (R, R2)
  32. Smoking Cessation (R)
  33. Laryngitis/Hoarseness (R) Laryngitis can be hoarseness, globus, chronic cough, voice fatigue, throat pain, and dysphagia.
  34. Some migraines and headaches (R) – may make them worse too if you have vasodilatory headaches.
  35. Weight loss? (R) – probably with infrared sauna (have not used).
  36. Peptic ulcers (R), Venous Leg Ulcers (R), Pressure ulcers (R), Oral Mucositis (R) Aphthous stomatitis (R)
  37. Edema (R, R2)
  38. Lung inflammation (R), COPD (R)
  39. Alcohol addiction (R)
  40. Narcolepsy based on theory (R). Narcolepsy is likely an autoimmune disorder (R)
  41. Oral Lichen Planus (R)
  42. Cancer: Various tumors, when used with a photosensitizer (R)
  43. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes (R, R2/R2) “It should be well noted that the common thought, that it is impossible for the pancreas to restore its function and morphology in case of diabetes mellitus, has definitely come to an end in the history of this disease and mankind…….Secondly, it has been ascertained from this study that the quantum energy of laser rays is capable of stimulating and causing the regeneration of pancreatic tissues, including the B-cells of the Islets of Langerhans, even in advanced disease states.” I can’t find these studies in any journal, but it’s quite intriguing. Skepticism is always advised, although I don’t see the harm in trying it on the pancreas.
  44. Based on the mechanism’s involved I’d expect it to help for cognitive-based disorders like Autism, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorders. Autism, for example, is in part a result of mitochondrial dysfunction (R) and inflammation (R). Deficiencies in the cells’ ability to fuel brain neurons might lead to some of the cognitive impairments associated with autism and higher levels of free radicals also might contribute to autism severity (R). Mitochondrial abnormalities also occur in bipolar and schizophrenia (R), as well as inflammation (R, R)
  45. It should also help with inflammatory gut problems like Crohn’s and Colitis.

LLLT Increases Vitamin D and Magnesium sometimes

Low Level Laser Therapy greatly increased Vitamin D and Magnesium (for diabetics with nephropathy) – March 2019

VitaminDWiki pages with LOW LEVEL LASER in title (7 as of Nov 2021)

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Items found: 7

Photobiomoulation for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's - 9 examples Nov 2021

1068 nm PBM helped elderly memory - pilot RCT Nov 2021

Effect of Transcranial Near-Infrared Light 1068 nm Upon Memory Performance in Aging Healthy Individuals:A Pilot Study
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LLLT generated Nitric Oxide in 1 minute - RCT 2013

Low-level laser treatment with near-infrared light increases venous nitric oxide levels acutely: a single-blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy
Randomized Controlled Trial Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Feb;92(2):151-6. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e318269d70a.RCT
Ulrike H Mitchell 1, Gary L Mack


Objective: The use of near-infrared light in the form of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has become more popular in the treatment of a variety of conditions where increased peripheral blood flow is desired. The hypothesis behind its working mechanism is its purported ability to generate nitric oxide (NO) in the treated area. We tested the hypothesis that the efficacy of near-infrared light lies in its ability to generate NO at the treatment site.

Design: We conducted a single-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial to measure NO, by its metabolites nitrite and nitrate, in venous blood draining from tissue receiving LLLT. Fifteen healthy subjects received LLLT to the forearm, and blood samples were taken immediately before treatment; at 1, 5, 15, and 30 mins; as well as 15 mins after the treatment to check for NO content.

Results: We found a significant treatment effect (F = 15.75, P = 0.003). A post hoc test showed that minutes 1, 5, and 15 were different compared with the baseline measures (P's < 0.05). The area under the treatment curve was significantly larger than the area under the sham treatment curve (t = 2.26, P = 0.037). A limitation of this study was that the data were collected from healthy subjects.

Conclusions: LLLT increased NO levels in venous blood draining from the treatment site in healthy subjects. The peak increase in NO occurred 5 mins into the treatment, after which it slowly waned. Further research is necessary to assess NO increases with LLLT in patients with pathologie
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12+ VitaminDWiki pages with NITRIC OXIDE in the title

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Items found: 15
Title Modified
Plant Nitrates decrease mortality, other Nitrates increase mortality (Nitric Oxide) - May 2024 05 Aug, 2024
Embrace the Sun – benefits of the sun (Nitric Oxide etc.) – book June 2018 05 Aug, 2024
Sunlight and UVB provide a few more health benefits than Vitamin D (Nitric Oxide, etc.) – Weller April 2024 26 Apr, 2024
UV reduces cardiovascular and metabolic problems– Vitamin D plus Nitric oxide – Sept 2023 21 Sep, 2023
Nitric oxide (from sun, Mg, Vit D, etc) reduces some health problems - many studies. 21 Oct, 2022
Magnesium reduces inflammation (CRP) and increases nitric oxide – meta-analysis Feb 2022 27 Jun, 2022
Vitamin D may reduce autism by increasing nitric oxide – June 2022 20 Jun, 2022
Inhaling Nitric Oxide 4 times a day (which increases Vitamin D) fights COVID - May 2022 13 May, 2022
Nitric oxide (from Sun, UVA, Vitamin D) reduces cardiovascular problems 30 Apr, 2022
Nitric oxide increased by UVA, Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc, 29 Apr, 2022
Off topic: Low Level Laser Therapy works - makes Nitric Oxide and ATP 25 Mar, 2022
Sweating (sunbathing, intense exercise, sauna) removes toxins and increases Nitric Oxide 28 Sep, 2018
Heart cells may be repaired by vitamin D (nanosensors observed nitric oxide in dish) - Jan 2018 01 Feb, 2018
Hypothesis- Knee osteoarthritis is reduced by vitamin D increasing level of nitric oxide – Dec 2013 06 Oct, 2016
UV (perhaps Nitric Oxide) better than vitamin D at preventing obesity in rats on a high-fat diet – Nov 2014 31 Dec, 2014

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
17301 3cb.png admin 25 Mar, 2022 150.75 Kb 1268
17299 Biostimulation.webp admin 25 Mar, 2022 47.23 Kb 1349
17298 PBM lifeforce.jpg admin 25 Mar, 2022 56.21 Kb 1074
17074 LLLT figure 1.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2022 27.82 Kb 751
17073 LLLT Hamblin.pdf admin 20 Feb, 2022 488.24 Kb 207
17072 LLLT NO 2013.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2022 34.52 Kb 733
17071 LLLT Nitric 2013.pdf admin 20 Feb, 2022 414.56 Kb 271
16912 1068 nm Upon Memory Performance LLLT.pdf admin 23 Jan, 2022 174.03 Kb 207
10513 LLLT dose response.jpg admin 09 Sep, 2018 49.50 Kb 1842
10512 Nuts and bolts.jpg admin 09 Sep, 2018 34.03 Kb 4478
10511 Nuts and Bolts LLLT.pdf admin 09 Sep, 2018 894.95 Kb 630